MQTT Adapter for SAP PO und IoT

MQTT Adapter for SAP PO und IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the communication and networking of real objects via the Internet. In addition to devices such as computers, smartphones and tablets, more and more objects from the “offline world” are joining them, such as cars, televisions, wristwatches, heaters, weather stations and household appliances.

The KaTe MQTT Adapter connects your SAP system landscape, i.e. SAP Process Integration & SAP Process Orchestration with the Internet of Things.

The KaTe MQTT Adapter is also available for SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration) or SAP HCI.

KaTe MQTT Adapter

Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is an open standard for lightweight message transfer between devices, sensors, and applications with high latencies and deployment in low-bandwidth networks.


The advantages of the KaTe MQTT Adapters
  • Innovative use of SAP systems

    Get a better ROI from your SAP system landscape with the power of connected devices, machine-to-machine (M2M), and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.

  • Connecting SAP with the world of sensor technology

    Connect your SAP back office like billing, order management or shipping with the world of sensor networks or your production infrastructure.

  • Unlimited communication

    With the power of open source publish/subscribe messaging, notify thousands of devices at the correct time and providing the correct information when data changes in your SAP system.

SAP PI – Process Integration

SAP Process Integration is SAP’s Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) solution for A2A and B2B scenarios, offering a wide range of adapters and integration tools (e.g. transformation, orchestration, routing, reliable messaging and monitoring). SAP Process Orchestration 7.31 additionally provides numerous BPM functions and a rules engine.

MQTT – Message Queue Telemetry Transport

Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is an open standard for lightweight message transfer between devices, sensors, and applications with high latencies and deployment in low-bandwidth networks.

The MQTT protocol has been standardized by Oasis as the “Internet of Things” protocol since 2013. In addition to its traditional use in sensor networks, connected manufacturing and home automation, MQTT is also increasingly used in mobile scenarios (e.g. in Facebook Messenger).

Core technical functions of the KaTe MQTT Adapters

  • Fully compatible with the MQTT v3.1 and MQTT 5 Standard.
  • Publish/Subscribe to MQTT topics with wildcards, durable subscriptions and last retained Messages.
  • Use of common messaging patterns like pub/sub and request/reply without complicated module configuration (ex. async/sync bridge).
  • By using the Adapter Framework, full support of SAP PI tools (design, configuration, monitoring).
  • Connects to MQTT brokers
    direct, via Socks Proxy or SAP Cloud Connector On premise

KaTe MQTT Adapter Features

  • The KaTe MQTT Adapter is easy to implement.
  • The KaTe MQTT Adapter implements publish/subscribe patterns and enables true push messaging between participants.
  • Various Quality of Service levels for data transmission in unstable networks, such as mobile networks, are handled by the KaTe adapter.
  • The protocol overhead for this adapter is very small.
  • Ideally, meta information only needs to be transferred once, since the server continues to hold the data after a connection is lost.
  • With the KaTe MQTT adapter, data can be transmitted in any possible format.

The history of MQTT

The MQTT protocol has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. MQTT was programmed in 1999 by Andy Stanford-Clark (IBM) and Arlen Nipper (Cirrus Link) for monitoring oil and gas pipelines. Transmitting data via satellite has always been very costly and therefore a smart solution was sought. The Message Queue Telemetry Transport, or MQTT, protocol which was developed in this manner fulfilled the required characteristics. Following this project, MQTT was used and further developed as a proprietary protocol at IBM in a variety of projects. In 2010, the MQTT specification was released to the public and since then a large infrastructure has developed around it.

Pay what you use

All of our adapters are subscription licensed, which simplifies use at the project level or in limited use cases.

30 days trial

All our adapters are available for a 30-day trial period.

Verified SAP Partner

All our adapters are developed in close cooperation with SAP and our verified SAP experts.

On site or remote

We perform services both remotely and directly at your location, according to your requirements. Based on daily experience, we are happy to support you in any SAP Basis related issues. Our SAP Basis consultants are highly trained and have many years of experience.
We provide you with fast, competent and flexible support, even in the event of internal capacity constraints such as illness, vacation, increased project workload etc.

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